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Your instructor will give you time to discover answers to these questions. Your instructor could tell you, but it is better to find them out for yourself.

Notebook Work: Answer the following questions.

1. If I go out of doors, how can I find the north?

2. How can I find it on a starlight night?

3. How can I find it on pleasant days?

4. How does a sailor find the north?

5. When you are in the woods, notice the amount of moss on the north side of trees as compared to that on the south side. If you were lost and knew your home was north, how would you find it?

6. As winter approaches; many of our birds will want to go to a warmer country; in what direction will they fly?

7. In what direction from you are the lands where ice and snow remain year-round?

8. In what direction does your shadow fall at sunrise? At sunset? At noon?

9. When, during the day, is your shadow shortest?

10. In what direction does your shadow extend from yourself when it is shortest?

11. What time of day is noon? How can we tell when it is noon? When is the sun highest in the sky?

12. What kind of weather may be expected from a north wind? From a south wind?